
About the Authors

Jennifer Lyons

Jennifer is a writer, artist, and video game producer living in a castle near the sea in a land called Honalee. (If anyone can prove any of that’s not true, please email us and we’ll update this page immediately.) She is currently in the process of finishing the last one-third of three different novels (set in three different genres) which she will finish any day now so she can start working on their sequels. You can read more of her stuff at www.jennlyons.com

Mike Lyons

Mike is a writer, world designer, and game designer living in Atlanta. He and Jennifer have collaborated on several projects which are currently in the works or will be soon. In addition, he is writing books set in his own worlds. Unlike Jennifer, he has no artistic talent whatsoever. His stick figures look like they were made during an earthquake. You can read his thoughts, words, and stories at his blog site.

5 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: yikici | Challenge Issued: Turner’ Triptych Tapestries

  2. Pingback: welcome to new friends: There By Candlelight | Hey Sweetheart, Get Me Rewrite!

  3. Good Posts..
    Sanoj Jose (Author, My Day Out With An Angel)

  4. I’m nominating this blog (at least the stuff that is yours) for award stuffs!

    Updates and One Lovely Blog Award

  5. Hey thank you for following my blog!

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